Off the Leash
Off the Leash Podcasts
Interview# 22 Wiltshire Hunt Sabs March 2022

Interview# 22 Wiltshire Hunt Sabs March 2022

A conversation between Charlie Moores and Anne, a spokesperson for the Wiltshire Hunt Saboteurs.

Anne and Charlie have spoken before, in late December, shortly after a well-publicised attack on hunt protestors by followers of the notorious Avon Vale Hunt at their Boxing Day meet in the Wiltshire village of Lacock (link below). 

This time they’re talking in late March, so towards the end of the so-called fox hunting season. It’s been a tumultuous period for the various Wiltshire hunt packs and for the sabs and monitors who track their movements and are working to stop wildlife crimes taking place in the Wiltshire countryside. 

While the Avon Vale - and their support staff and protective shield of vehicles from Wiltshire Police - has now packed up until the fox cub hunting season starts in the autumn, the past six months have removed any doubt at all that illegal foxhunting is routine in Wiltshire – taking place right under the noses of local police, as well as under the noses of local Conservative MPs James Gray and Michelle Donelan, and the Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson who either haven’t commented, commented that hunting is a legal activity, or suggested that had hunt sabs not been at Lacock at Boxing Day they would have been at home making bombs…

And stepping into all of this – standing between the illegal hunts and our wildlife - are the Wiltshire Hunt Sabs. They affiliated with the HSA in their current form in time for the 2021 season – so how do they look back on their first full year of operation, and what are their plans for tackling this shameful situation in the years ahead…

Off the Leash
Off the Leash Podcasts
Wildlife. Animal Rights. Environment. Analysis and comment from Charlie Moores.