Off the Leash
Off the Leash Podcasts
Interview #14 Wiltshire Hunt Sabs

Interview #14 Wiltshire Hunt Sabs

Charlie Moores talks with Anne, a spokesperson for the Wiltshire Hunt Saboteurs. 

We're discussing fox hunting in Wiltshire and in particular the events that took place at a Boxing Day 'meet' of the notorious Avon Vale Hunt at Lacock, a  village in north Wiltshire almost entirely owned by the National Trust. As recorded on numerous body cams and uploaded to social media. the meet erupted into violence when hunt followers attacked protestors. 

In the aftermath of this violence, important questions are now being asked. Why, for instance, does the National Trust - one of the country's largest landowners which banned so-called trail hunting on its land in November this year - still allow meets to take place on its land?  Just how closely connected are the Hunt and the police officers who were on duty in Lacock that day? What are we supposed to make of the 'responses' to their constituents being attacked from local MPs Michelle Donelan and James Gray?  And what is it that keeps dedicated hunts sabs putting themselves on the front line...

Off the Leash
Off the Leash Podcasts
Wildlife. Animal Rights. Environment. Analysis and comment from Charlie Moores.