Off the Leash
Off the Leash Podcasts
Interview #12 Crustacean Compassion | Decapod Sentience

Interview #12 Crustacean Compassion | Decapod Sentience

Charlie Moores in conversation with Claire Howard, Executive Director of Crustacean Compassion, an organisation that works to raise public awareness of the sentience of decapod crustaceans; works with food businesses to implement changes to their practices; and puts pressure on the Government to make the necessary changes to the law.

In November the UK government released a report titled ‘Review of the Evidence of Sentience in Cephalopod Molluscs and Decapod Crustaceans’, which concluded that these animals are sentient, can feel pain and should be protected in law.” On the back of that the government have proposed an amendment to the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, a new piece of legislation that is currently making its way through parliament. If it becomes law, for the first time ever cephalopods (like squid and octopus) and decapods (like crabs, lobsters, and shrimps), would be legally recognised as sentient beings alongside vertebrates.

Claire explains why Crustacean Compassion fought to have decapods recognised as sentient and how the legislation will set a precedent for how these fascinating animals should be treated.

Off the Leash
Off the Leash Podcasts
Wildlife. Animal Rights. Environment. Analysis and comment from Charlie Moores.